We offer a range of flexible pricing options to suit your EV charging installation budget and plans.

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  • Lease

    Receive Car Charged UK’s fully managed service and a share of the profit. Only pay for the EV charging infrastructure including supply, cables and civil works. You lease your kit and provide electricity for free but receive a share of the profit. The lease payment will be at an agreed price to include maintenance and full back office support.

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  • Outright purchase

    Invest upfront and gain a new revenue stream with this chargeable usage option. You pay for the Car Charged UK kit, installation, commissioning and testing. Maintenance and back office support can be provided by Car Charged UK or your choice of third-party provider. You’ll receive all profits from users charging payments.

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  • Finance

    Spread the cost of installation with our finance option. Project cost and EV charging equipment can be financed via our broker with a flexible lease or hire purchase option. This operates in a similar way to outright purchase but with the benefit of fully financed capital costs. There’s optional maintenance and management and you’ll be able to purchase the kit with a final payment.

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  • Rent your space

    Once the initial investment cost is repaid, receive a share of the profit as well as monthly payment for the car parking spaces you use for EV charging. Car Charged UK will pay for the EV charging infrastructure including supply, cables and civil works and give you a fully managed service for maintenance and back office support. You’ll provide free electricity but with no up-front capital investment or cost.

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