10th July 2020

Written by admin@car-charged

Ravensthorpe 2

Car Charged UK’s EVCP consultancy services and delivery of an end-to-end solution including design and installation proved to be invaluable.

Their expertise ensured the best combination of rapid and fast charge stations for the many customers coming and going from this popular retail park. The team made sure that the project ran smoothly and with no disruption to business.

Ravensthorpe 2

Car Charged UK’s EVCP consultancy services and delivery of an end-to-end solution including design and installation proved to be invaluable.

Their expertise ensured the best combination of rapid and fast charge stations for the many customers coming and going from this popular retail park. The team made sure that the project ran smoothly and with no disruption to business.

10th July 2020

Written by admin@car-charged